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Centralized remote feeding operations

Unlock real-time video and feed controls pen-by-pen, across your whole farming operations, via satellite with Connected Seafarm.

No matter the operating or weather conditions, you're in control.  Monitor fish behaviour to identify prime feeding conditions and administer feed from the touch of a button, away from site or shore. Meaning uninterrupted feeding operations, reduction of feed waste and optimized fish health.

Barge at Seafarm

Feed away from site or shore


Remote Feeding - Icon - Join Our Pilot

Join our pilot programme

We are looking to work with a select number of farms to pilot this new technology over a 3-6 month period. If you think your farm could be a good fit for the programme, reach out using the button below for more information.

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No more blindspots across your farming operations.

Eliminate blind spots throughout your farming operations with ease. Connected Seafarm is the solution to unreliable cellular connectivity, blindspots and power outages. Seamlessly digitize all of your sites, no matter how remote. 

Whether you are seeking to deploy sensors for the first time or facing downtime challenges, we can tailor the perfect solution for your needs. From a comprehensive end-to-end service, complete with sensors and a data insights platform, or simply secure a resilient connectivity solution - we can build the right digital solution for your needs.


Environmental monitoring solution

Algal blooms can have a devastating impact to the health of a farms stock. Connected Seafarm's algal bloom monitoring solution combines in-situ environmental data with satellite-enabled earth observation technologies for a clear view of operations in and beyond the farm, enabling early intervention from potentially harmful blooms.

Algal bloom monitoring solution

Algal blooms can have a devastating impact to the health of a farms stock. Connected Seafarm's algal bloom monitoring solution combines in-situ environmental data with satellite-enabled earth observation technologies for a clear view of operations in and beyond farms, enabling early intervention from potentially harmful blooms.

Find out more