Environmental monitoring

In-situ environmental monitoring

Realize the transformative power of having continuous access to critical farm data, accessible from anywhere, with Connected Seafarm.

Benefit from remote monitoring of your whole farms environmental conditions pen-by-pen on the one system. Get continuous data on key environmental parameters such as dissolved oxygen, water temperature and chlorophyll-a. Threshold alerts notify key personnel when parameters indicate potential danger to fish health or site, meaning quick preventative action can be taken to avoid damage site or fish health.

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Ensure fish welfare with continuous farm insights


Algae Bloom Page - Mowi Logo

Enabling remote environmental monitoring for Mowi Ireland

Krucial has deployed the Algae Bloom Monitoring Solution on Mowi Ireland's Portlea Farm, off the west coast of Ireland, to support continuous monitoring of key environmental parameters. Catherine McManus, Operations Director Farming (Ireland) at Mowi Ireland said: "The warming climate means biological challenges including algal blooms can pose a risk to aquaculture operations. We look forward to working with Krucial to offset these risks." Read more about the Mowi deployment below.

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No more blindspots across your farming operations.

Eliminate blind spots throughout your farming operations with ease. Connected Seafarm is the solution to unreliable cellular connectivity, blindspots and power outages. Seamlessly digitize all of your sites, no matter how remote. 

Whether you are seeking to deploy sensors for the first time or facing downtime challenges, we can tailor the perfect solution for your needs. From a comprehensive end-to-end service, complete with sensors and a data insights platform, or simply secure a resilient connectivity solution - we can build the right digital solution for your needs.


Remote feed monitoring

Centralize your feeding operations across all of your farm sites on the same system and unlock real-time video and feed controls pen-by-pen via satellite with Connected Seafarm, regardless of operating conditions. Identify prime feeding conditions and administer feed from the touch of a button remotely from anywhere - enabling uninterrupted feed operations.

Algae bloom monitoring solution

Algae blooms can have a devastating impact to the health of a farms stock. Connected Seafarm's algal bloom monitoring solution combines in-situ environmental data with satellite-enabled earth observation technologies for a clear view of operations in and beyond the farm, enabling early intervention from potentially harmful blooms.

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